12 sets 2-dvd in double dvd case with color insert in hard slipcase box box set packaging
12 sets 2-dvd in double dvd case with color insert in hard slipcase box box set packaging
ITEM 1- PERSONAL SET (12 complete packaged DVDS per set)
12* dvd9 replication and color printing
Double Sided Paper insert, 90gsm, inserted into clear plastic disc case,
4 colour laminated skin/wrap to fit 12 x14mm disc cases
12* 14mm clear dvd case, size: 190*135*14mm, DVD Case x 12,14mm Spine,2 Disc per case
Slipcase box, 1200g display cardboard by color printing
Printing cards,180mm wide x 125 mm high on 300gsm, full colour both sides
Kitting and assemble and shrinking wrapped,
carton box package